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SecurLOCK Equip is a mobile app that allows you to control how, when, and where your debit cards are used. It is available on both the Apple App Store for the iPhone and the Google Play Store for Android devices. With this app, you can turn your card off or on with the touch of a button, set location-based controls, block international transactions, and set spending limits. The app also provides real-time alerts for all transactions, so you can quickly detect any suspicious activity. It is a simple and secure way to manage and monitor your payment transaction activity and help keep your debit cards safe. The app is free to use and supports an unlimited number of cards issued by First National Bank.

Installation Information

The SecurLOCK™ Equip app is available for Android (Samsung, Google, LG, BLU, etc.) version 5.0 or later, and iOS (iPhone and iPad) version 9.0 or later. It can be downloaded from the Apple Store and Google Play. This app is for smartphones only. There is no Windows or Mac version.

For iPhones and iPads: Go to the Apple Store, and search for SecurLOCK Equip. Tap the icon to download and install it. A greyed-out springboard app icon will appear and will display a loading bar as the app downloads.















For Android phones and tablets: Go to Google Play and search for SecurLOCK Equip. As the phone downloads the app, the word at the bottom of the spring-board icon will change to ‘Pending’, then ‘Installing’ and the loading bar will fill.

Once you’ve finished downloading the app, tap the icon. You should see the following:

Swipe through these, and you should see a login screen with the options to:

  1. Log in—sign into your account if you already have one.
  2. Sign Up Free—register as a new user.

You will want to click on the “Sign Up Free” option.  This opens a screen prompting you to enter a card number. Click “Continue” to start adding your card data. The app gives you two ways to enter your card number -- You can enter the number manually or use the phone camera to scan your card. To scan your card, place your card number side up and center it in the frame. You must register at least one card to set up an account.

Once you have entered your card number, click “Continue.” You will be now asked for the security code (CVV or CVC), expiration date, and street address associated with your card.  

Click “Continue.”

You will be prompted for the last four digits of your Social Security Number, and your date of birth. You might also be asked for your phone number, or your mother’s maiden name (a standard for credit card companies).


Note: For first factor authentication (social security number, zip code, and expiration date) you are allowed three attempts to enter the correct information before the registration process is locked.

After completing this step, you will be asked to enter the last four digits of your Social Security Number again. Click “Continue.” This will start the account registration process. The next two screens will present the Terms of Service and privacy policy for SecurLOCK. Tap “Accept” to continue for each. 

You will then be asked to provide an email address and create a username and password for your account.

The username must be between 6 and 16 characters. The password must be 8 to 12 characters, and include one capital letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and at least one special character. Any of these count as special characters -- ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + or ~.

Click continue. On the next screen, re-enter your password, and your full name as you want it to appear in notifications. Click continue again. You should get the message “Congratulations! You can now log into SecurLOCK Equip.” The app should then take you to the login screen.

Your account is now set up, and you can log in.


If you enter incorrect information too many times during card validation, you will be taken back to the landing screen and shown the following message.

For first factor authentication (social security number, zip code, and expiration date) you are allowed 3 attempts to enter the correct information before your account is locked. For second factor authentication, you are also allowed three attempts.

Once the account is locked, you will need to contact First National Bank customer support at (800) 827-9192, or (575) 437-4880. They will be happy to unlock your account.

You can log in with “Touch ID” (fingerprint) on both iOS and Android devices that support this functionality. Additionally, “Face ID” (facial biometrics) can be used on supported devices as well. These features are enabled from either the login screen or from the “Settings” section of the hamburger menu, under "Security Settings." Make sure that the option you’ve chosen is enabled in your phone’s settings.

Setup screen for Touch-ID/1-Touch Login:

Setup screen for Face Recognition Login:

Once you have selected the biometrics option (either fingerprint or face recognition), you will need to log in with your username and password. After successfully logging in with your username, click continue on the fingerprint/biometrics screen. You will then be prompted to log in with the method you’ve chosen. Going forward, all app logins will prompt you for your biometric login.

If your mobile device does not have the capability for login using Fingerprint or Face ID, you will be offered the option of setting up a numerical pass-code (PIN).

Once you have logged in, you will see this screen. This is the Card Details screen. In the top right corner is the “hamburger” button. Use the “hamburger” to access the main menu. All of the options for the app are here. In the top left corner is the “refresh” button. Use this to refresh the data on the screen. Note: these icons are reversed on Android phones—the “hamburger” is on the left, and the “refresh” button is on the right.

This is where you turn the card on and off, and where you control the alerts for the card. Turn the card “on” or “off” by tapping on the green-lit slider next to “Card On/Off.” Tapping this turns the card off, and turns the slider grey. The green light in the top right of the card will also turn red. When turned “off,” the card cannot be used except for recurring charges. To turn it back “on,” tap the slider again. The lights (slider and card) will now be green again, and the card can be used.

“Controls and Alerts” takes you to your Control and Alert Preferences for the card. Here is where you control how and where the card can be used (block certain online or brick-and-mortar retail outlets, set spending limits, set international options, etc.). It is also where you set up your notifications.

“Latest Transactions” takes you to the transactions screen. This screen lists the last 50 transactions made on the card.

Tapping the card image will cause it to flip. Several additional details are listed on the “back” of the card—total spending on the card, current card status, current deposits, recurring charges, and the date and time that the information was updated. Tap the image again to flip it back around to the front of the card.


The "Controls" and "Alerts" panels provide options for how and where a specific card can be used, and how you are notified about its use. Control preferences set how and where the card can be used. Alerts preferences set instant in-app alerts for all transactions, or specific transaction types.

The "Controls" menu

In the control the control menu, you can set or disable locations, merchant types, transaction types, and spending limits.

Location Based Services

“My Location” is used for in-store purchases. It compares the location of your phone with the geographic location of the merchant, based on an eight-mile radius of the device. If the device and merchant location don’t match, the transaction is denied. Click the slider if you want to enable this service.

“My Regions” allows you to set a specific geographic region for valid in-store transactions. To use, click “My Regions,” and “Add Region.” Use a zip code, city name, state, or county, to locate your region on the in-app map. You can zoom in or out to define the size of the region. Once you have selected your region, enter a name and tap “Save.” All in-store transactions made outside of this region will be declined, so, if you’re traveling, remember to turn it off.

“International” is a set of location-based controls designed to block transactions made outside of the card-holder's home country. This defaults to the United States, but can be changed by tapping the blue "United States" link next to “Country of Residence.“

If you plan to travel outside of the U.S., you can also add five other countries within which card transactions are permitted. To block international transactions, simply tap the “International” slider. All transactions outside of the United States are now blocked. To add a country to your safe list, simply tap the “+” next to “Add Country.” To remove a country, tap the “-“ next to the entry in the safe list.

Note: The location settings must be enabled in the phone operating system to use location-based services.

Merchant Types

The “Merchant Types” controls allow you to set the types of in-store businesses where the card can be used. To enable the merchant controls option, simply tap the slider next to “Enable Merchant Controls.” To remove the merchant types that are allowed to access the card, tap the sliders next to the type (all are enabled by default).

Transaction Types

The “Transaction Types” control allows you to determine which types of transactions are allowed on the card. Set these by tapping on the “Transaction Types” menu item, and then tapping the slider next to “Enable Transaction Controls.” The list below the initial option allows more granular control of which transactions to allow. Note: these are all enabled by default.

Spend Limits

The “Spend Limits” control is used to set spending limits, either monthly or per transaction, for the card. To set spending limits, click on the menu item, and then enable either, or both, options using the sliders. Amounts can be set in the “amount” fields.

If you flip the card on the Card Details page, the per-month spending limits will show up on the back as a progress bar.

Note on the images: on the left – Spend Limits not enabled; the Center image– “Spend Limits” enabled; and on the right—“Spend Limits” exceeded.

Alert Preferences

Use the “Alert Preferences” screen to customize which notifications you receive in the application. This option defaults to “All Transactions.” If left in the default setting, you will receive notifications for all transactions on the card. If you want to control which transactions generate notifications, select the “Selected Notifications” option. The specific controls for this option are similar to those in the “Control Preferences,” and are broken down in the same way – Location, Merchant Types, Transaction Types, and Spend Limits.

If you don’t want any notifications, select the “None” option. Declined transactions always generate an alert, regardless of your settings.

Latest Transactions

The “Latest Transactions” option allows you to view transactions made over the previous 15 days with the listed card. Pending transactions (transactions that SecurLOCK has not received a “posted” message from FNB) are shown first in the list. All non-pending transactions (posted, denied, or canceled) are shown in chronological order after the pending transactions.

The list can also be searched by merchant name by typing the name in the text box, or filtered by date (start and end), or by the amount by tapping the “Filter” option.

Tapping an item opens the “Details” screen. This screen lists the details of the transaction—the date, time, amount, and business. Tapping on the “more” link displays the business address and other relevant information.

Finally, you can assign tags (Business, Personal, Family, etc.) to transactions, and attach memos to them as well. Tap “Tag” to open the tag screen. Tap “Memo” to attach a memo to the transaction.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. First National Bank provides this service to you at no cost, to give you greater control over your FNB issued debit cards.

As many as you like. However, while there are no limits on the number cards you can register, we recommend registering no more than 20 cards to a single profile. Any more than the recommended number may affect app performance. Also, The registered card(s) must have been issued by First National Bank.

Debit cards issued by First National Bank can be registered as long as they have a 3-digit CVV key. You cannot register ATM cards, as they do not have this code.

Please use the Contact Us button at the bottom of the login page to send us a help request, or call us at (800) 827-9192 or (575) 437-4880. A member of our customer service staff will be more than happy to assist you.

Your email address is needed in case you forget your password and need to reset it. As with many sites/apps, using the “Forgot Password” option will send you an email with a link to reset your password.

A “real-time alert” is an immediate notification sent to the app. You can select to be alerted on all payment transactions or you can choose just to be alerted for “selected” transactions. Alerts are available by spend limits, location, transaction type, and/or merchant category.

No. Using card controls does not change the status of your account. Turning a card "off" simply means that no one can use that card until you want it used.

Controls and alerts are active immediately after you save your preferences.

Yes. Recurring charges (Auto Pay) will be processed while your card is turned off unless the "recurring transactions" option has been turned off as well.

Yes. My Location, My Regions, and the international card control are designed to work together.

You can see which card controls were used to decline a transaction within the app. Once you are logged in, tap on Recent Transactions. Find the one that was denied and open it. Tap "more," and the control(s) that were active during the authorization will be listed near the bottom. Please note: The transaction could also be declined because of external factors like insufficient funds or fraud monitoring - SecurLOCK Equip will not display these external factors. If no card controls are showing in the "more" panel, the cause is probably external to the app. Please contact First National Bank for more information.

Alerts let you know every time a card controlled by SecurLOCK is used. You can choose to be alerted for all, or individually selected transactions. Selected alerts are also available by location, transaction type, merchant type, and threshold amount.

Only the ‘Primary Device’ will receive alerts. Use the "Settings" option on the main menu to set your device as the ‘Primary Device’.

Another common reason for not receiving alerts is due to your mobile device’s notification settings. If application notifications are turned off in your phone settings, SecurLOCK Equip will not be able to deliver alerts to your device.

If additional assistance is needed, First National Bank staff will gladly answer your question, or assist with your issue.

No. There are no special steps needed to transfer an account between phones. Simply download the app to your new smartphone and log in with your current user ID and password. Your stored cards, and your control preferences, will transfer from your old phone. However, your alert preferences, and fingerprint or biometric settings, will need to be reset.

If your card number doesn't change, you don't need to do anything. However, if you are issued a new number, you will need to add the card to the app via the standard registration process. This can be done by going to “Card Details” and swiping left, or the hamburger menu, “Manage Portfolio,” and tapping “Add Card”. Be sure to delete the old card from the app.

The Transaction Details section holds your last 50 transactions for 15 days.

Some merchants send pre-authorizations at higher amounts to test if a card is valid. For example, a $25 gas purchase might display as $26. Pre-authorizations are common at the pump, for a hotel stay, or a car rental. Even though the charge is listed in the app for more, it will clear your account for the correct amount.

Cards can be added or removed from the list of managed cards at any time. To remove a card or cards from management, go to "Settings," choose “Manage Portfolio" and uncheck the ones in the list you don't want. Remember that if SecurLOCK is no longer managing a card, you can no longer set controls or alerts for that card.

Tap the “hamburger” icon (the icon with three stacked lines) in the top-right corner for the main menu. "Log Out" is the last menu item in the list.

Help can be found at the bottom of the open page. Tapping the “Tell Me More“ icon will open a window with information on how the controls on that page work.

A password is required to log in to the app. Additionally, the app does not store personal information on your mobile device and will only ever display the last four digits of your card number.